
Showing posts from April, 2006

Is money a glue or wedge to your relationship?

By James Abola It is said that love is blind but some wealthy people go into marriage with one eye open, to watch their money. A prenuptial agreement is usually signed before the knot is tied so that if, or when, the marriage comes to an end the person with more money escapes with enough to start all over again. In Uganda the excitement of elections has briefly pushed the domestic relations bill (DBR) into the back banner. A key issue in the DBR is control over assets between husbands and wives. Disagreements that lead to the dissolution of a marriage lie on the extreme end of the spectrum but even more stable relationships still suffer from money induced or related tensions. With the advent of laws requiring public officials to declare their assets, is it of any use for people intending to marry or those already married to institute an asset declaration policy, as well, so that all earnings first go through a joint account? How about the vexed question of budget control, who among the...